Testing in Pkl
Pkl files are programs that get evaluated to produce a result. Like any other program, it can be useful to have tests that verify their business logic. To address this, Pkl provides tooling for writing and running tests.
Writing Tests
Tests in Pkl are modules that amend standard library module pkl.test.
Facts are boolean assertions. They are useful for unit tests, where the behavior of functions, types, or any expression can be tested.
If an expression evaluates to false
, the test case is considered failing.
Below is a naΓ―ve test about the qualities of the integer 1
, where the last expression fails.
amends "pkl:test"
facts {
["one"] {
1.isBetween(0, 3)
1 == 2
Running this test provides a report about the failing test.
$ pkl test math.pkl
module math (file:///math.pkl, line 1)
math β
1 == 2 β (file:///math.pkl, line 6)
in Pkl are most useful for writing fine-grained assertions about specific behavior of your code.
The tests for module pkl.experimental.uri
are a good example of facts
in practice. There are multiple facts, where each fact contains multiple assertions which cover different cases of business logic:
facts {
["encode"] {
URI.encode("https://example.com/some path") == "https://example.com/some%20path"
URI.encode(alphaLower) == alphaLower
URI.encode(alphaUpper) == alphaUpper
URI.encode(nums) == nums
local safeChars = "!#$&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~"
URI.encode(safeChars) == safeChars
URI.encode("\u{ffff}") == "%EF%BF%BF"
URI.encode("π") == "%F0%9F%8F%80"
Examples are values that get compared to expected values.
When first testing an example, its value gets written to a sibling file that ends in pkl-expected.pcf
The next time the test is run, the example value is then asserted to be equal to that expected value.
If they are not equal, the test fails.
Here is a quick tutorial for writing an example.
First, we create a test module with our example.
In this case, we are checking the behavior of an imagined Person
For simplicity’s sake, we are just declaring it as a local class.
amends "pkl:test"
local class Person {
firstName: String
lastName: String
fullName: String = "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
examples {
["person"] {
new Person {
firstName = "Johnny"
lastName = "Appleseed"
This test then gets run:
pkl test person.pkl
On the first run, Pkl tells us that the corresponding expected value was written.
module person (file:///person.pkl, line 1)
person βοΈ
This creates a file called person.pkl-expected.pcf
in the same directory.
The directory tree now looks like this:
βββ person.pkl
βββ person.pkl-expected.pcf
We can inspect the contents of the pkl-expected.pcf
to see what the expected value is.
examples {
["person"] {
new {
firstName = "Johnny"
lastName = "Appleseed"
fullName = "Johnny Appleseed"
Running pkl test person.pkl
again now shows that it passes.
module person (file:///person.pkl, line 1)
person β
Now, we’ll change "Johnny" to "Sally", to demonstrate a test failure.
examples {
["person"] {
new Person {
- firstName = "Johnny"
+ firstName = "Sally"
lastName = "Appleseed"
Running pkl test person.pkl
again fails.
module Person (file:///person.pkl, line 1)
person β
(file:///person.pkl, line 13)
Expected: (file:///person.pkl-expected.pcf, line 3)
new {
firstName = "Johnny"
lastName = "Appleseed"
fullName = "Johnny Appleseed"
Actual: (file:///person.pkl-actual.pcf, line 3)
new {
firstName = "Sally"
lastName = "Appleseed"
fullName = "Sally Appleseed"
Because the test failed, Pkl writes a new file to the same directory. The directory tree now looks like this:
βββ person.pkl
βββ person.pkl-actual.pcf
βββ person.pkl-expected.pcf
It can be especially useful to use diff
to compare the pkl-actual.pcf
file with the pkl-expected.pcf
diff -c person.pkl-actual.pcf person.pkl-expected.pcf
--- person.pkl-actual.pcf 2024-03-28 15:33:15
+++ person.pkl-expected.pcf 2024-03-28 15:15:00
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
examples {
["person"] {
new {
- firstName = "Sally"
+ firstName = "Johnny"
lastName = "Appleseed"
- fullName = "Sally Appleseed"
+ fullName = "Johnny Appleseed"
For intentional changes, add the --overwrite
flag. This will overwrite the expected output file, and also remove the pkl-actual.pcf
$ pkl test person.pkl --overwrite
module person (file:///person.pkl, line 1)
person βοΈ
Pattern: Testing JSON, YAML and other module output
A common pattern is to use examples
to test how Pkl renders into static configuration.
Pkl is idiomatically split between schema and data. Base Pkl modules define schema and rendering logic (colloquially called templates), and downstream modules amend those base modules with just data.
Here is an imagined Pkl template for configuring a logger.
It defines some converters for DataSize
and Duration
, and also sets the output renderer to YAML.
module Logger
/// The list of targets to send log output to.
targets: Listing<LogTarget>
abstract class LogTarget {
/// The logging level to write at.
logLevel: "info"|"warn"|"error"
class RotatingFileTarget extends LogTarget {
/// The max file size
maxSize: DataSize?
/// The directory to write log lines to.
directory: String
class NetworkLogTarget extends LogTarget {
/// The network URL to send log lines to.
connectionString: Uri
/// The timeout before the connection gets killed.
timeout: Duration?
output {
renderer = new YamlRenderer {
converters {
[DataSize] = (it) -> "\(it.unit)\(it.value)"
[Duration] = (it) -> it.isoString
After having written this template, we’d like to test to see what our YAML output actually looks like. We’d also like to provide some sample code for our users, that demonstrate how to use our template.
To do this, we’ll first create some examples modules, in an examples/
amends "../Logger.pkl"
targets {
new RotatingFileTarget {
maxSize = 5.mb
directory = "/vat/etc/log"
amends "../Logger.pkl"
targets {
new NetworkLogTarget {
timeout = 5.s
connectionString = "https://example.com/foo/bar"
With this set up, we can now use them as test examples.
module tests.Logger
amends "pkl:test"
import* "../examples/*.pkl" as allExamples
examples {
for (key in allExamples.keys) { (1)
[key.drop("../examples/".length).replaceLast("pkl", "yml")] { (2)
1 | Iterates over the keys only as a workaround for a current bug where for-generators are eager in values. This ensures that any errors related to loading the module are captured as related to that specific example. |
2 | Sets the test name to <filename>.yml |
These tests are defined as evaluating each module’s output.text
This emulates the behavior of the Pkl CLI when it evaluates a module through pkl eval
Furthermore, the tests uses a glob import to bulk-import these example modules.
This means that if we add new modules to the examples/
directory, they are automatically added as a new test.
Running this test creates expected output:
pkl test tests/Logger.pkl
module tests.Logger (file:///tests/Logger.pkl, line 1)
networkLogger.yml βοΈ
rotatingLogger.yml βοΈ
By default, Pkl writes a simple test report to console.
Optionally, it can also produce JUnit-style reports by setting the --junit-reports
pkl test --junit-reports .out
Interaction with pkl:Project
In Pkl, a project is a directory of Pkl modules that is tied together with the presence of a PklProject file.
There are many reasons for wanting to define a project.
One reason is to simplify the pkl test
If pkl test
is run without any input source modules, it will run all tests defined in the PklProject
amends "pkl:Project"
tests {
A note on apiTests
When creating a package, it is also possible to specify apiTests
These are tests for the external API of this package.
The intention of this is to allow checking for breaking changes when updating a version.
When publishing a new version of the same package, running apiTests
of a previous package can inform whether the package’s major version needs to be bumped or not.
The apiTests
are also run when the package is created via pkl project package
Future improvements: power assertions
Testing in Pkl is already tremendously useful. With that said, there is still room improvements.
One feature that we would like to implement is power assert style reporting. Power assertions are a form of reporting that displays a diagram that shows parts of the syntax tree, and their resolved values.
A power-assertion report might look like:
module test
math β
num1 == num2 β
| | |
| false |
1 2
This feature improves the developer experience when testing facts. Currently, only the expression is printed, as well as a report that the test failed.
In lieu of this feature, trace()
expressions can be used to add more debugging output.
Frameworks that provide power assertions include Spock, power-assert-js, and swift-power-assert.