
These steps will get you up and going with using Pkl and Go.

1. Install dependencies

Your project will need to include pkl-go as a dependency:

go get github.com/apple/pkl-go

If you are using code generation, install the pkl-gen-go binary, either via go install or with a direct download.

The binaries are available as assets on our GitHub release.

# via go install
go install github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go@v0.9.0

# via curl
# available platforms: macos, linux-amd64, and linux-aarch64
curl -L -o pkl-gen-go github.com/apple/pkl-go/releases/download/v0.9.0/pkl-gen-go-<platform>.bin
chmod +x pkl-gen-go

Also, ensure that Pkl is installed on your machine.

2. Define a Pkl schema

Create a new Pkl file in the directory of your choice, and annotate it with the @go.Package annotation. The name property in the annotation is the Go import path for the generated configuration file.

In this example, the file is placed into pkl/AppConfig.pkl, and the Go package name for this Pkl module is github.com/myorg/myteam/appconfig.

@go.Package { name = "github.com/myorg/myteam/appconfig" }
module myorg.myteam.AppConfig

import "package://pkg.pkl-lang.org/pkl-go/pkl.golang@0.9.0#/go.pkl" (1)

/// The hostname of this application.
host: String

/// The port to listen on.
port: UInt16
1 Used for the @go.Package annotation.

3. Generate Go source code

With a schema defined, generate Go source code for it.

Code generation is done via the pkl-gen-go CLI. To install:

go install github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go@v{version}

In our example, Go sources can be generated using the following command:

pkl-gen-go pkl/AppConfig.pkl --base-path github.com/myorg/myteam

The --base-path causes the code generator to place the Go source files in a relative path.

If the --base-path argument is omitted, the code generator will also look for a go.mod file for the base path, as well as within the settings file.

In this example, the Go package name of our Pkl module is github.com/myorg/myteam/appconfig, and the base path is github.com/myorg/myteam. Therefore, the generated Go files will be placed into the appconfig directory.

For more details on how to control code generation, consult pkl-gen-go --help.

4. Evaluate Pkl configuration data in Go

With the above scaffolding set up, evaluate Pkl configuration data in Go.

First, define some configuration that uses the Pkl schema.

In our example, we create a file at path pkl/local/appConfig.pkl. We imagine that we are defining configuration for a server running in a local environment, and would likewise place other environments in sibling directories; e.g. pkl/int/appConfig.pkl and pkl/prod/appConfig.pkl.

amends "../AppConfig.pkl"

host = "localhost"

port = 5939

Once defined, evaluate the Pkl module into Go.

package main

import (


func main() {
	cfg, err := appconfig.LoadFromPath(context.Background(), "pkl/local/appConfig.pkl")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("I'm running on host %s\n", cfg.Host)