This determines the relative path that generated Go source code will be written to.
For example, a base path of "" means that the Go files for package will be written into a baz directory, relative to the current
working directory where codegen is executed.
Any Go packages that are not prefixed with basePath are skipped from code generation.
This is typically a Go module's name, i.e. the module clause within a go.mod file.
If empty, writes the full package path to the current directory.
Returns the relative, descendent directory path between this module and other.
Throws if no such path exists.
For example, if module mod1 has path /dir1/mod1.pkl, and module mod2 has path /dir1/dir2/dir3/mod2.pkl,
then mod1.relativePathTo(mod2) will return List("dir2", "dir3").
A common use case is to compute the directory path between a template located at the root of a hierarchy
(say rootModule.pkl) and the currently evaluated module (accessible via the module keyword):
Settings to configure Go code generation for Pkl files.