Information about the condition of a component.
Condition error code for a component.
For example, a health check error code.
Message about the condition for a component.
For example, information about a health check.
Type of condition for a component.
Valid value: "Healthy"
Status of the condition for a component.
Valid values for "Healthy": "True", "False", or "Unknown".
Returns the class of this.
Returns a string representation of this.
This method is used to convert the values of string interpolation expressions to strings.
Returns this |> transform if this is non-null, and null otherwise.
this |> transform
This method is the complement of the ?? operator and the equivalent of an Option type's map and flatMap methods.
Tells if this object has a property with the given name.
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
Throws if a property with this name does not exist.
Returns null if a property with this name does not exist.
Converts this object to a Dynamic object.
Converts this object to a Map.
Information about the condition of a component.