Generates and stores a cache of a file or directory of files such as dependencies or source code in our object storage.
Later jobs can restore this cache. Learn more on the Caching Dependencies page.
Cache retention can be customized on the CircleCI web app by navigating to Plan > Usage Controls.
List of directories which should be added to the cache
Unique identifier for this cache
Title of the step to be shown in the CircleCI UI (default: “Saving Cache”)
Specify when to enable or disable the step.
Takes the following values: always, on_success, on_fail (default: on_success)
Returns the class of this.
Returns a string representation of this.
This method is used to convert the values of string interpolation expressions to strings.
Returns this |> transform if this is non-null, and null otherwise.
this |> transform
This method is the complement of the ?? operator and the equivalent of an Option type's map and flatMap methods.
Tells if this object has a property with the given name.
Returns the value of the property with the given name.
Throws if a property with this name does not exist.
Returns null if a property with this name does not exist.
Converts this object to a Dynamic object.
Converts this object to a Map.
Generates and stores a cache of a file or directory of files such as dependencies or source code in our object storage.