Template for docsite-info.pkl, the descriptor for a Pkldoc website.
Module URI:
Pkl version:
0.28.1 or higher
Known subtypes:
Known usages:
All versions:
A website generated by Pkldoc can optionally have a descriptor that
amends this template
is named docsite-info.pkl
is passed to the pkldoc command together with the modules to generate documentation for.
A typical descriptor looks as follows:
/// The optional overview documentation displayed on the main page of the website.
/// Subsequent paragraphs are separated by an empty line and collapsed by default.
/// They can use *Markdown syntax* and Pkldoc links such as [String].
amends "pkl:DocsiteInfo"
title = "Title displayed in the header of each page"
Returns the relative, descendent directory path between this module and other.
Throws if no such path exists.
For example, if module mod1 has path /dir1/mod1.pkl, and module mod2 has path /dir1/dir2/dir3/mod2.pkl,
then mod1.relativePathTo(mod2) will return List("dir2", "dir3").
A common use case is to compute the directory path between a template located at the root of a hierarchy
(say rootModule.pkl) and the currently evaluated module (accessible via the module keyword):
Template for docsite-info.pkl, the descriptor for a Pkldoc website.