External Readers

pkl-swift provides APIs that aid in implementing External Readers. In this mode of execution, the program built with pkl-swift runs as a child process of the Pkl evaluator, rather than a parent process. The PklSwift.ExternalReaderClient type provides a set of tools for building external readers.

Much like implementing Custom Readers, external readers are implemented by providing one or more instances of the PklSwift.ResourceReader and pkl.ModuleReader protocols.


import Foundation
import PklSwift

@main struct Main {
    static func main() async throws {
        let client = ExternalReaderClient(
            options: ExternalReaderClientOptions(
                resourceReaders: [MyResourceReader()]
        try await client.run()

struct MyResourceReader: ResourceReader {
    var scheme: String { "env2" }
    var isGlobbable: Bool { false }
    var hasHierarchicalUris: Bool { false }
    func listElements(uri: URL) async throws -> [PathElement] { throw PklError("not implemented") }
    func read(url: URL) async throws -> [UInt8] {
        let key = url.absoluteString.dropFirst(scheme.count + 1)
        return Array((ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment[String(key)] ?? "").utf8)