
0.29.0 (2024-08-07)


  • Add support for IntelliJ 2024.2 (#52).

0.28.0 (2024-07-25)


  • Fix an issue where transitive dependencies within a project show an incorrect type mismatch error (#42).

  • Fix an issue where the "Sync Projects" action does not enable the plugin to resolve dependencies until after an editor restart (#43).


  • More metadata added to .idea/workspace.xml (requires a new project sync after updating the plugin) (#42).

  • Project sync related changes (#42, #46)

    • Show project-related notification banners on any Pkl file that is within a project directory.

    • Skip ignored files when syncing projects.

    • Remove check for missing package sources, because this can be a cause for slowdown.

    • Add annotation for missing package sources when viewing dependency notation.

    • Change project dependency downloading from an action to an intention.

0.27.0 (2024-06-20)


  • Fix triple-dot uri resolution (#24).

  • Fix runtime crash from PklCreateProjectAction in 2024.1+ (#22).

  • Fix false positive "expression is always false" (#33).

  • Fix type constraint checking of octal literals (#34).

  • Fix path resolution for packages on Windows (#35).


  • Move kotlin.serialization.plugin to version catalog (#14).

  • Documentation improvements (#7, #15).


  • Change Pkl file icon to use the logo (#6).

  • Improve semver handling in package uris (#20).

  • Add const check for typealiases (new in Pkl 0.26) (#32).

  • Add support for breadcrumbs (#31).

  • Add support for new package cache dir (new in Pkl 0.26) (#36).

  • Add support for Pkl 0.26.0 standard library (#38).

Contributors ❤️

We would like to thank the contributors to this release (in alphabetical order):

0.26.0 (2024-02-02)

Initial plugin release