
0.28.1 (2025-03-03)


  • Fixes an issue where Pkl Gradle tasks can possibly fail with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError (#995).

  • Fixes an issue where the artifacts pkl-tools and pkl-config-java-all fail with java.lang.ClassFormatError (#998).


  • Adds the ability to configure native-image build with Gradle system properties (#1001).

    Now, any system property starting with "pkl.native" will have that prefix stripped, and the rest passed as CLI arguments to native-image. For example, the native-image resource cache can be configured by passing Gradle flag -Dpkl.native-Dpolyglot.engine.userResourceCache=/my/cache/dir.

0.27.2 (2025-01-22)


  • Fixes issues where server mode message decoding might result in null pointer exceptions (#853, #882).

  • Fixes an issue where the test report outputs decimal numbers using local-specific decimals (#868).

  • Fixes an issue where the native executables might not run on some environments, resulting in an error like "Fatal error: Failed to create the main Isolate" (#875).

Contributors ❤️

Thank you to all the contributors for this release!

0.27.1 (2024-12-06)


  • Fixes a broken "number literals" link in the 0.27 release notes (#784).

  • Fixes a possible deadlock during external reader process close (#786).

  • Fixes counting elements with computed indices multiple times in length computation of listings (#797).

  • Fixes non Pkl modules being reported in GatherImports task, leading to plugin failures (#821).

  • Fixes a problem where the delegate chain of type casts for Listing/Mapping get unreasonably big, even though the type nodes are the same, which may lead to a stack overflow or performance degradation (#826).

  • Fixes incorrect scoping of type variables in lazy Listing/Mapping type checking in cross-module typealiases (#789).

  • Fixes regression in type checking logic for Listing/Mapping (#789).

Contributors ❤️

Thank you to all the contributors for this release!

0.26.3 (2024-08-06)


  • Fixes an issue where CLI argument --property foo="" is effectively parsed as --property foo="true". This is now parsed as an empty string (#596).

  • Fixes a regression where amending a globbed import or globbed read results in a PklBugException (#607).

  • Fixes an issue around using file() notation when using the pkl-gradle plugin on Windows (#611).

0.26.2 (2024-07-18)


  • Fixes a possible race condition where multiple concurrent Pkl evaluations results in a thrown exception when downloading packages (#584).

0.26.1 (2024-06-28)


  • Fixes a regression where native executables fail to run on some environments that don’t support newer CPU features (#551).

  • Fixes a PklBugException when passing . as a project directory to pkl project resolve and pkl project package (#544).


  • Disable revocation checking of TLS certificates (#553).

    As part of HTTP improvements in 0.26, we unwittingly fixed a bug where Pkl does not actually perform cert revocation checks when making HTTPS requests. This fix, unfortunately, caused a regression in some cases. For example, this happens when connecting to a server that bears a public trust certificate, while in an environment with no internet access. This is because the HTTP client needs to check the revocation status of all certificates in the chain.

    Revocation checks are a nuanced topic with some benefits, and also with its own problem areas. For this reason, revocation checking is disabled for Pkl’s native CLIs. Users of Pkl’s Java APIs will respect the revocation settings set in the JVM.

0.25.3 (2024-03-26)


  • Fixes some issues with generated pkldoc websites (#357, #362)

  • Fixes a bug where amending a module that defines an abstract class might cause a Java AssertionError (#319)

  • Fixes a bug where a for/when generator within a lambda declared with new {} syntax might not resolve variables correctly (#297)

  • Fixes a bug where const and local modifiers are not exported when obtaining a class’s mirror in pkl:reflect (#265).



  • Add jpkl to the set of artifacts released to GitHub (#314)

0.25.2 (2024-02-08)


  • Fixes some issues with generated pkldoc websites (#70, #81, #96)

  • Fixes an issue where a PklBugException produces an incorrect URL to file issues (#73)


0.25.1 (2024-02-01)


  • Fixes an issue where pkl-tools fat jar is empty.